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The Background

A leading, global supplier of laboratory equipment, biotech and pharmaceutical services requested IBM Maximo platinum partner, Cohesive, to carry out a system health check to assess the overall performance, security, and compliance of its IBM Maximo infrastructure and to ensure it was secure and optimized.


The organization was relying heavily on various Maximo applications to conduct its day-to-day operations.
In addition to detailing what the client had, what the client needed and what Cohesive recommended, a set of Cohesive Maximo Data Collection reports was also used as a means of retrieving some of the data from the client’s system for inclusion in the final recommendation report.
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The Challenges

Cohesive employed a team of consultants to analyse and evaluate the Maximo system, which began its assessment by reviewing existing documentation, conducting interviews with key stakeholders, and examining the Maximo infrastructure from a holistic perspective. During the assessment, the team uncovered several events that raised concerns about the Maximo instance’s health and security:


a) Maximo Functionality: the client was using  approximately half of the functionality provided by Maximo to manage maintenance on behalf of its customers, dispatch work to third-party service providers, record actual costs for completed work and pay service providers. Cohesive recommended that there were areas of the system not currently being used that should be considered by the client to gain more ‘value for money.’ This included Meters and Condition Monitoring, which could be used in parallel with existing APM (Asset Performance Management) systems and the use of some of the more “out of the box” procurement functionality.


b) Configuration and Customisation: Many areas in
the system were out of date and out of IBM support due to the age of the Maximo instance. A lot of applications were not being used as standard, for example, the use of dummy item masters and related material transactions to report actuals and financial data against work orders, and the processing of invoices without purchase order (PO) lines. Furthermore, a custom PO app was also being used outside of Maximo for service contract purchases, which was also identified as a major pain point.


c) Maximo hosting & support: Although Maximo was being
hosted by a third-party provider, the client’s IT team was still responsible for the backup and recovery plan. The infrastructure provided was also outdated. Cohesive recommended considering alternative Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions while investigating the future of upgrading to Maximo Application Suite (MAS 8). In addition, first-line support was provided by internal resources, with only complex support requirements being passed onto IBM, so it was recommended to the client to change its hosting model to provide increased and more flexible support arrangements.

Investigation Outcomes

The client swiftly addressed the identified issues and proceeded with the recommendations from Cohesive. The outcomes of the investigation included:

a) Software Upgrade Recommendations: The report outlined a detailed list of outdated software and versions that needed to be upgraded. Cohesive provided specific
recommendations for each server and Maximo, including the latest versions and steps to ensure a smooth transition.

b) Using more applications: Cohesive recommended implementing a company-wide set of new processes that included the use of additional Maximo applications such as Meter, Condition Monitoring and a full suite of Procurement, Receipting and Invoicing. The new processes coupled with the use of additional Maximo applications, and the removal of the outdated legacy software, gave the client good savings in Annual License fees, thus making IBM Maximo far more value for money.

c) Infrastructure Updates: The investigation report advised the client to implement cloud-based hosting, taking away the headache of internal IT managing Maximo Infrastructure. This allowed the client to concentrate on its everyday business with the security of knowing its Maximo solution was being maintained to the highest level .

Lessons Learned

Thanks to the Cohesive Maximo health check, the client learned several valuable lessons:

1) Regular IT System Assessments: Conducting periodic Maximo health checks was essential for identifying vulnerabilities and maintaining a secure and optimized infrastructure.

2) Software Patching and Upgrades: Keeping software
applications up to date with the latest patches and upgrades was crucial to prevent security breaches and ensure optimal performance.

3) Getting value for Money: Implementing processes,
new applications and educating employees ensured common practices were maintained. A shared solution, giving transparency to all, allowed for streamlined working and ultimately gave value for money on annual license fees.

4) Continuous Security Monitoring: Regularly monitoring the IT infrastructure for potential threats and implementing necessary security measures was now the responsibility of the cloud solution suppliers. It was also critical to keep Maximo up to date with patches and fixes.

By addressing the findings and implementing the recommendations provided by Cohesive, the client significantly strengthened its Maximo system’s health, security, and compliance, which helped to ensure that day-to-day operations ran even more smoothly.

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