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The Challenge

Cairn operates more than 850 wells spanning
three blocks in India. As the fields mature, the wells present issues including corrosion, scaling, and wax accumulation that impair flow rates and well operations.

Well integrity and flow assurance was carried out using error-prone manual processes lacking data visibility, integration, and accuracy. To ensure that all parameters affecting well performance were robustly
monitored and managed, an integrated environment was needed to facilitate preventive maintenance and corrective action.


Our Role

We developed and deployed a flexible digital platform to centralize well data and deploy a web-enabled, real-time system to automate well integrity and flow assurance of its entire well stock. This enabled a smart well integrityand flow assurance management system (SWIM) to efficiently manage overall well
integrity and flow assurance issues.


The solution allows dashboards to be created and customized at any level of the asset structure to fully visualize and identify asset risks or hazards, facilitating preventive maintenance to optimise well performance.


The solution automates performance monitoring processes and notifications when wells exceed safe operating limits, streamlining workflows, enabling timely corrective action and production optimization.


We used the templates in AssetWise to accelerate project delivery, enabling quick replication of similar templates for rapid deployment across all wells.
Working in a connected data environment with interoperable software increased system visibility, well availability, flow assurance, and data management. 

Client Benefits

Our solution eliminated time spent searching for data from disparate sources. Automated features enabled enhanced decision-making based on accurate data, accessible in real time, to optimize preventive maintenance and take corrective action.


Non-productive well time was reduced by 10%, increasing oil and gas production at reduced costs.


It also enabled rapid prevention of any breach in the safe operating envelope, avoiding potential spills and contamination to the environment.


"After using the Bentley AssetWise software, the thing that has helped us (engineers) the most is the (reduced) time spent data gathering.
Our approach has now changed from reactive to a more preventative approach, as well as the change in the overall mindset of the people involved."

Utkarsh Vijayvargia,Senior Petroleum Engineer, Vedanta Limited-Cairn Oil and Gas


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